Studying at the prestigious Tsinghua University in Beijing is both rewarding and tough. The academic standards are high, but this means that you get the most out of your Chinese language lessons. However, being able to study hard is only one part of university life, and it is also important to mix with your peers and relax when you don’t have work to complete. That is why it is great to know about the places around the campus where you can unwind and enjoy yourself with friends. Located in Haidian District near Wudaokou, there are plenty of bars and cafes to choose from when you want to take a break from Mandarin language lessons. Here are a few of our favourites for you to choose from.


Lush is the oldest and most well-known of all the bars and cafes in Haidian, simply because it does everything pretty well. In the day it is a great place to relax and catch up on some Chinese language lessons on your laptop whilst you sip a coffee. It has a decent range of Western food at fairly reasonable prices, and then in the evening it becomes livelier with a good bar atmosphere and a variety of events on a daily basis. If you are living in Haidian and studying Mandarin Chinese then you will definitely end up spending time in Lush.

Pyro Pizza

Run by the same people as Lush, Pyro has more of a sports-bar atmosphere. Not the most relaxing place for daytime study, but great in the evening for a huge pizza and a tower of beer. Pyro also shows plenty of sports games and regularly hosts beer pong competitions. This is definitely a bar with a US frat feel, and offers a chance for you to relax on the weekend after another hard week of Chinese language study.

La Bamba

La Bamba is just a few doors down from Pyro, and offers Tex-Mex food with daily special deals, cheap drinks and a pool table. La Bamba is similar to Lush in that it offers a good place to relax in the day as well as reverting to a bar atmosphere in the evening. Take advantage of the daily food specials and you can eat for just 10-20rmb, thereby helping you save money during your China study abroad program.

Helen’s Café

A few minutes’ walk on the same road as the previously mentioned bars, Helen’s Café is perhaps the most relaxed of all the bars listed here. With graffiti strewn walls that detail the thoughts and lives of the many students who have previously frequented this establishment, Helen’s offers good prices on food and drink as well as one of the few places in Haidian with a small outdoor seating area. Hang out here in the summer with friends for a relaxing evening away from the stresses of Chinese language study.

Whilst your time at Tsinghua University will be busy spent improving your Chinese, these Haidian bars will make your free time that little bit more fun.